

2014 Fall Bucket List

So remember that time when you had a great idea of something fun to do? Or that thing you always thought about doing but somehow it ends up getting lost in the shuffle? Well... you're not alone! It happens to me ALLLL the time. I have tons of great ideas and then life busyness gets in the way. About a month ago I sat there running through a list of things I wanted to do this fall before it's too late. I decided I would write it down. I named the list my "2014 Fall Bucket List". It's sad that I have to make a list of fun things to do so that I don't miss out or forget them but I would rather make the list and do it then not. Maybe I will break this habit of "missing out" and finally do everything I ever wanted to do just out of habit.

Here's my 2014 Fall Bucket List:
1. Dress up for Halloween
2. Drink mulled wine
3. Walk to the park
4. Carve pumpkins
5. Pick apples
6. Go on a hike
7. Roast pumpkin seeds
8. Make s'mores
9. Run the turkey trot - Planned for Thanksgiving Day!
10. Go to the zoo
11. Drink beer @ Oktoberfest
12. Go trick or treating
13. Run thru a corn maze
14. Pumpkin Pancakes and hot chocolate for breakfast
15. Jump in a pile of leaves
16. Saturday Farmer's Market
17. Bake apple pie
18. Knit a scarf
19. Homemade applesauce
20. Chili

I put the list on a piece of cardstock and have it in the kitchen as a daily reminder of the things I want to accomplish from September to November. After I made my list I was so excited that I started putting all of these in my calendar. I called and texted friends to make plans to do everything on my list. I can't believe how effective this has really become! I cross items off as I do them too.... because who doesn't love crossing things off their list?! :)

Update: I will continue to update this post (to serve as more accountability for me to finish my bucket list) and cross items off here to see my progress to date!

Have you have made a "mini" bucket list like this? Has this inspired you to make your own? Have you had success doing something similar? I would love to hear about it!



  1. I have not made a mini bucket list but, maybe, I ought to. That is a good idea. Of course, finishing the ultimate blog challenge would be part of that bucket list. Starting to write a memoir would be another thing that I would add. I can write and immediately cross out "attend master naturalist training." Apple picking is an ongoing process because of the tree that produces more and more and more. Giving away apples is part of that list, and I've given away some of the apples. Life is truly an adventure and, with all of those apples, it is a delicious adventure! (I made applesauce)

    1. Alyce, it sounds like you have been living my bucket list already! Haha. Thank you for stopping by!


  2. This is a good way of reminding self to do things, as you say life does get in the way. Thanks for sharing, I will also start implementing the list method.

    1. Siphosith, I'm glad you found it useful! I hope to see you around here again soon. :)

