

How to Save BIG on a PBK Anywhere Chair

Christmas shopping is in full swing with Black Friday right around the corner. I have most of my shopping done including the one "big" gift for my kiddos. Here's some insight on how I scored BIG on this gift.... 67% savings!!

My kiddos love to read. We read books morning, noon, and night and that is the main reason I wanted to get a PBK Anywhere Chair for each of them. A comfy spot to encourage good reading habits even without my suggestion. I heard of a couple different options and will share with you some as well as what I chose and how it worked for me. You do NOT have to spend $120-200 for an Anywhere Chair!

Here are some options for you:

Wal-Mart's Awesome Chair: $69 (for the regular size, price varies based on size) with free in-store pick-up. These are new but do have a few good reviews. For two of these chairs with an added $20 each for personalization and about $8 of taxes the total would be $186. This would be a 34% savings.'s Ugly-where Chair: $70 (for the regular size, price varies based on size) which includes personalization! Shipping is about $13 for FedEx Ground. This company buys foam from a manufacturer and then uses actual Pottery Barn covers. They also offer pre-monogrammed chairs for $10 less. So if you have a fairly common name (and there are some unique ones) then you can buy one for $60 + shipping. For two chairs pre-monogrammed and shipped it would cost $149, a 47% savings. If they did not have your child's name it would add an additional $25 for personalization for a total of $174, a 39% savings.

Find a used chair locally: $10-20 for the memory foam. I found two memory foam inserts locally for $15 each.

This is a good option to really save some money! They were in good condition from a non-smoking home. I bought a pre-monogrammed cover from for my son whose name is quite common. They were running a 20% off sale so I basically got it shipped for free. It was $23 and it is brand new from Pottery Barn! That means his chair was $38. :) Now my daughter, her name is unique, and so after stalking for awhile I gave up and went to eBay. It's pretty expensive on eBay but I could not find any other options! I found hers for $21 and $20 to monogram so her chair is $56 total.

This third option is a little more time consuming and you have to be patient in watching for the deals or you can post an ISO (in search of) on buy/sell/trade sites or Craigslist.

Overall I spent $94 total for two regular size anywhere chairs that are 100% Pottery Barn and personalized for each of them. I priced these out on the Pottery Barn website and to personalize and ship with tax the total was $283. A $169 difference for 67% savings. Merry Christmas!!!! :)

If anyone has some other options please let me know! This is one of the hottest gifts for young kiddos. It's always recommended in the St Louis Mommy2Mommy group for 1st-3rd birthdays.

Now I'm off to figure out how to wrap them for Christmas and after Christmas I'll be making a little reading nook in our playroom so that they can enjoy the chairs as I intended.

UPDATE: I found a small cut/fray on the piping of the chair cover I bought from I contacted them through their Facebook page and they promptly responded and are sending me a new one. I will update if there are any issues or if it does not arrive but so far I am very pleased with their customer service.


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