

25 Days of Kindness: Day 16 Mail for William

Have you heard about William? He is a 12 year old boy who is very special and he has an awesome mom. Here is her letter to the world… ok, wait, grab some tissues first, then read it.

I have never done, or asked anything like this before, but I felt the need to. That need that comes from being a mom and wanting to do everything in your power to make your child happy. It seems like such a small thing but it is the few things that drive a mothers soul. The need to protect and the need to bring joy to your kids faces.

My son, William is 12 years old. He is an amazing kid. He rarely asks for much. He is full of love, joy and happiness. William is smart, funny and awesome. William also has Autism (severe) and is also non verbal. (he can not talk). During Christmas time (his absolute favorite time of the year) he always asks me for the things he wants, and they are always the same. He wants Mr.Sketch Markers, Copy Paper, Lays Regular Chips, and whatever Blu Ray is on his mind for his collection. (His "thing" is movies). He is the easiest and hardest to shop for. I am always looking for new things to add to the list but he usually is not interested and just wants what he wants

This is where my request comes in. This year he asked for something new! I almost fell over when he added it to the box (his Christmas wish list box) and the new item is........... MAIL! Mail. Mail. He LOVES getting mail. Half of our family lives in Northern Canada and the other half lives in Southern USA so he gets mail from family a couple times a year. I always knew he loved getting his mail but when he asked for it, I cried. I actually sat here and cried. Both happy and sad tears. Happy because he was expressing his wants and sad because of how I was going to figure out how to get him what he wants. He is such an amazing kid and he rarely wants for anything, I really want to make something special for him.

Let me tell you why I was sad. William has never had people come to his birthdays or has he been invited to any. No one asks William to come over for playdates or sleep overs. There are a small handful of kids in his class with needs of their own so I understand why. It is not anyone's fault, it just is what it is. My family lives 1000 miles in one direction and my kids other family (fathers side) lives 1000 miles in the other so there is no family here for us. My teenage daughter is always out, socializing, hanging with friends and sometimes it just breaks my heart. I wish William had that too, but life has other plans for this amazing kid.

Many people assume since he can not talk that he does not understand. Well, let me tell you, this kid understands. He understands a lot. He understands too much. He just can not communicate the way we do, but he is sharp as a tack. He feels love and affection and I think he finds mail from others as affection. He carries around the last box that was sent to him. He covets the post cards. He wants me to read mail to him (even though he is an excellent reader) he wants to send mail. He LOVES mail and asks me for it now (the past couple weeks) multiple times a day. He writes MAIL on his drawings, he brings me the key to check the mail. I think he truly appreciate mail.

Now to my request. I have been racking my brains for a couple weeks. I want to make this year special for this most special boy. He has nothing but love in him and I want him to feel the love from others. If you want to help a kind soul this year, I am asking for strangers to send him mail. I want him to know the world loves and values him in a way that he understands and feels. I have been buying stamps and have been "creating" mail for Christmas. I have enlisted my small family (there is only a handful) to send mail to him for Christmas. I was hoping someone out there would want to sit down and send mail to William. He deserves to feel the love from the world like the rest of us do because he makes this world a better place. He deserves all the mail in the world according to me , but I am his mommy so I am bias.

I know, it may seem strange to ask strangers for mail but this is the only way I can think of to fulfill my sons Christmas wish. I am starting a page, and if people write letters to him on it, I will print the letters off and turn them into mail. If you feel inclined to send this amazing kid a piece of mail, I will save it until Christmas morning and when he wakes up, he will wake up to his beloved mail.
He loves his mail so much that his weekly treat is to visit the Post Office so he can get a Mail Box (a priority mail box) and when we get home he wants me to put Mail in it (usually just one of his BluRays) and he gets so happy to open it. He also carries around this Christmas USPS flier thingy they sent out a while ago with their Christmas stamps.

Please take the time to consider my request. It would mean the world to a very special young boy whose only real wish this year is to open  MAIL  It would mean the world to this Momma , William and his big sister Victoria too, we just want to make it a very special Christmas for a very special boy

The part that really got to me... where she talks about the birthday parties. How sad and how we take such little things for granted. :( I can't imagine, as a mom, feeling like people don't love my kiddos because I LOVE them with all my heart. It would literally be heartbreaking.

Today the kiddos and I colored pictures of some of William’s favorite movies- Ice Age, How to Train Your Dragon. And we included some blank pages too for him to beautify.

We wrote him a note that will hopefully encourage him to continue doing what he loves and being the wonderful person he has become.

For today we read these verses about loving those who are different than us…
Psalm 139:13-14 and Song of Songs 4… especially verse 7- You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.

A reminder that we are made and loved just the way we are!

And if I could speak to his mom: 1 Peter 5:10  And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.

I’m pretty sure that is where the saying, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” and although the road is rough it has built so much strength which is obvious in your letter and on the Facebook page. You’re doing great!

How amazing that something so small, simple, and easy could make someone happy when others complain that the gifts they got weren’t good enough. There’s still time to send William some mail if you are interested in making his day! Here’s the address:

Williams Mail
PMB# 175
816 Peace Portal Dr.
Blaine, Washington

Click here to see his Facebook page. And here to find out more about him.

If you want to follow all 25 Days of Kindness then check out this Summary Post.


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