
25 Days of Kindness: Day 19 Compassion International

Yesterday I dropped the ball. I didn't do anything for Day 18. :(  BUT, today we decided to do something bigger.

On JoyFM, our local Christian radio station, they have been encouraging listeners to get involved with Compassion International. Compassion International has a lot of opportunities but JoyFM's recent focus has been on adopting a child in need. There are hundreds of children in their program and some have been waiting for adoption for 352 days... almost one year! We decided to adopt a young boy, Wilson, who had been waiting for 352 days. Isn't he cute?

He also looks sad! I learned a little more about the village that he lives in.... most men are fisherman who earn $150 a month. $150! Can you imagine earning and having so little. We have such blessed lives here in America. We don't even realize it though. It's amazing that there are opportunities for us to help others, to change their paths, to introduce them to Jesus.

We are so excited to have Wilson in our lives... My hubby said "oh wow, we have three kids now!" :)

If you are interested in adopting a child for $38 a month then check out this link. You can choose a child based on how long they have been waiting, where they live, how old they are, or even if it's their birthday. This may have been our kindness for Day 19 but we will get to enjoy the fruits of it for many, many days to come.

Here's a good excerpt for today, Matthew 19:13-15 -- 14: "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

If you want to check out and follow all 25 Days of Kindness then visit this summary page for more information.


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