

25 Days of Kindness: Day 9 Thanking Volunteers

It's that time of year when you hear bells going in and out of stores (or at least in my area). It's festive and it is for a good cause. The Salvation Army arms volunteers with bells to ring while collecting change for their cause.

I remember volunteering in high school for some Salvation Army bell ringing at our local Schnucks (grocery store). It was freezing cold but we had fun with it. We sang Christmas carols and talked to everyone who passed. We (my classmates and I) raised a couple thousand dollars in the time we volunteered that year and were even recognized by the county Salvation Army organization. That experience helped me understand and appreciate the bell ringers I see every year at this time. It also reminds me that I need to do that again!

Today when I ran out to the store for a couple of items I put together a couple mugs each with a candy bar and a $5 Starbucks gift card. I also grabbed a bag of change and a couple ones to put in the red bucket. The bell ringers received small gifts of our appreciation and the Salvation Army received our donation. I am so thankful for people who volunteer when I do not.. when I forget or when I think I don't have time.

Today we read through Galatians 6:1-10 titled "Doing Good For All". :)

Take some time to thank volunteers this holiday season because through the busy-ness of the season they have found time to do something kind and helpful!

Have you helped with bell ringing before? Is it something you will consider doing in the future?


Click here for a summary of the 25 Days of Kindness + The Kindness Elf complete with links to each post as well as the corresponding verses.

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