

2015 Clean & Organized Home Challenge

It's that time when we are all making resolutions and goals. We are pumped and excited, motivated even. Well this year my only resolution- to follow through. Yup. Just one. And it's actually kind of a hard one. I just want to follow through on anything I start. No time limits or constraints. I am hoping this will help me be a little more successful with my goals because I am now focusing on how instead of what.

On to one of my goals, I have a handful of those... Keeping my house clean and organized.

I found this pretty great organized home 52 week challenge through Home Storage Solutions 101. I am following this challenge which will help remind me, lead me, give me ideas and I am blogging about it each week to share my experiences, results, and my own tips/tricks.

I will be back on in a few days to update on the first week. I hope you'll stop by and check it out and follow the challenge too.  :)  You can sign up for email updates through the links above.

Are you going to join? Do you have any goals and/or resolutions for 2015?

Happy New Year!!



  1. I have seen various lists of this type...good luck with it :)

    1. Thank you! I am a list maker and a visual person so this is definitely what I need! Thank you for stopping by.

  2. Congrats on setting your intention for the year to follow through. By sharing your commitment to completing the 52 week home organization challenge with the readers of your blog, you are adding a layer of accountability. I'm curious, has sharing your commitment with others helped you to complete tasks in the past? I know having some external accountability (and support!) helps me!!

    1. I definitely feel more accountable when I post about it... I'm wondering if I should start posting weight loss goals haha. Maybe then I will stick with it! ;)

  3. Hi Kassy, I found your challenge an interesting one. I also have an issue keeping organized. I would have loved to read the list,but it was very small. As is the rest of your font. I am not sure if the purpose of this whole post daily thing we are doing is simply to add readers or to encourage others, but I like to help if I can. You have a pretty site. But it is hard to read. On the other hand, your very real personality shines right through your writing and it shows on your page.Good job.

    1. Thanks for the feedback! I am not sure what the problem is with the font brcause it doesn't show up like that on my computer or phone so I will look into it. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. The list looks good, though I would find that after I organized the week 1 things and moved on to the week 2 things, my family would completely DISORGANIZE the week 1 things before week 2 was out. LOL

    1. Totally true! Haha... I think a big part of this though is taking the time to find better solutions. I am hoping it will help make things more common sense and second nature so I don't have to put forth so much effort. Plus next week is kitchen cabinets and I know I just need to give them a good clean if nothing else! It's been awhile. :)

  5. Kassy, thank you. This challenge seems interesting. I will investigate further and just my take the challenge! Well, like you follow through is an issue for me, so I've declared 2015 my year of manifestation. I'm only embarking on new things that will help me complete what's already on my vision list.
