

2015 Clean & Organized Home Challenge: Week 4 Refrigerator & Freezer

I talked about the 52 week challenge here and my kitchen is looking better than ever! This week I tackled the refrigerator and freezer.

But first I wanted to share some cuteness with you. My son picks up on everything and mimics us constantly. The other day I caught him "taking pictures" of the cabinets, refrigerator, and pantry. I wonder where he got that idea? Haha.... I've been taking pictures of everything in our kitchen the last four weeks for this challenge and my son wanted to be just like me. It was so cute! :)

And almost as cute as him taking these pictures with his play camera is how he says "chi-seeds"... yup he's his mother's son, loving chia seeds!

Ok, back down to business. I just semi-cleaned my refrigerator before Christmas but it needed the full gamut and the freezer was in bad shape. I also wanted to go ahead and tackle the refrigerator/freezer we have in our garage. To be honest it was in really bad shape! I've got some before pictures... don't judge me. haha :)

Week 4 Refrigerator/Freezer:

Before Pictures:

Main refrigerator/freezer

Garage refrigerator/freezer

 ** Eeeek... there's mold in there ^^^^


  1. Start at the top and work your way down.
  2. Remove expired items. 
  3. Wipe all shelves and drawers with a disinfectant. 
  4. For similar items, put them in order by expiration date with the closest date in front.
  5. Organize foods by type as well- meats, produce (fruits/veggies), dairy, snacks, condiments, etc


  • For tough spills use a baking soda vinegar paste and scrub.
  • If you have a mold problem use a bleach cleaner which will help get rid of the mold and also help deter mold in the future. You should also consider finding the source of the mold- temperature control is a good place to start!
  • If your refrigerator is prone to spills then consider covering the shelves with clear wrap. The wrap can easily be removed when there is a spill and then replace it with new wrap. The downside is that items don't slide easy when you use clear wrap.
  • You can use organizers like these to help utilize the space and organize items efficiently:
After Pictures:

Side by Side Comparisons:

Any other tips or tricks? I would love to hear them!

Have you joined the challenge? It's not too late! The challenge runs continuously so you can pick it up any time!


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