

Homemade Body Wash

There are a number of reasons why I DIY or make homemade.... cheap, easy, don't have to pack the kids up to run to the store, don't have to wait to ship, and in the case of many personal hygiene products- my body doesn't like them. My skin hates lotions, soaps, detergents, etc. My hair hates shampoos, styling products, and heat. My face hates soaps, makeup, and breaks out at the thought of stress and hormone changes. Ugh.... so unlucky!

Slowly over the last few years I have turned over the products we use to homemade, natural alternatives. I have a list of homemade recipes I should probably share but for this post I am excited to share about my latest endeavor. HOMEMADE BODY WASH. Not quite as scary as it sounds, I promise!

I looked around for a recipe with honey in it because my last body wash (which was an organic brand) included honey and I liked how my skin did better with it. I also wanted Vitamin E because I have been using Vitamin E in a miracle skin cream and I am loving the results. Luckily, others agree that those are good ingredients because I found a handful but settled on this one because I enjoyed reading about all of the research that went into making the recipe.

Here's the recipe:

2/3 C Castille Soap
1/4 C Raw Honey
2 t Oil- Almost any oil will work! I used coconut oil this time but am going to use almond oil or jojoba oil next because I've heard both are good for your skin
1 t Vitamin E Oil
50-60 drops of Essential Oils- I used 45 drops lavender and 10 drops tea tree

Recipe courtesy of DIY Natural. Check out the link for some good information on why these ingredients work for a body wash and also some ideas of other essential oils.

So how is it working? Amazing! It is weird because the first time I used it I was washing it off and thought it was going to dry out my skin. It really has done an amazing job of moisturizing my skin and cleansing it at the same time. I swear to you it's like RainX for my skin.... the water bubbles up on top of my skin and doesn't soak in! If water is not soaking into your skin then it will not dry out after your shower. Trrrrrrry it. Now!

This recipe is shelf stable for much longer than it will take you to use it and I recommend storing it in a glass bottle/jug. I also recommend using it with a sponge because it is a much thinner liquid than traditional body wash.

Let me know if you try this recipe and/or if you have a different one you use!

Thank you for stopping by and look for a few more DIY beauty recipes in the coming weeks. :)



  1. Get bodywash, bubble bath and shower gel (3 in 1) Citrus Shampoo

  2. Very good article,Thank you
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