

DIY Growth Chart

Awhile back I convinced my hubby to let me use a leftover board from a stair renovation for a small DIY project. What I love about using leftovers is that it is basically FREE!! I had the remainder of the supplies on hand too. So what if you didn't have all of these supplies on hand? This would still be an inexpensive project... $10 is my guess.

Below is the list of supplies and recommended steps. You'll have a cute growth chart in no time... or in less than two days. :)

1 wooden board, size doesn't necessarily matter. I used a board that was 1/8" thin and was cut to about 5'h x about 8"w.
1 small tin of wood stain or paint
A sharpie or other marker to write on the wood

1. Sand board to smooth the edges. Use lower grit sandpaper and work up to a finer grit.
2. Stain or paint the board and give it proper time to dry. I waited 24 hours for the stain to dry.
3. Once dry, lightly mark (I used pencil) the board with the appropriate measurements. Since my board was 5' and I wanted it to record taller heights I planned on mounting the board 1' off the ground and that means the board measures up to 6'.
4. Use the marker or paint to mark the board over the pencil marks.
Optional: Add a monogram, your family name, a quote, or a bible verse to personalize it!

And there you have it! An awesome, basically free, growth chart to stop time on those little ones that are growing faster than the weeds. :)


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